We have certainly benn having a wonderful and busy fall. I thought the summer was busy. . . the school year is simply a new kind of busy. We have dance classes, football practice and games, field hockey, play practice, ccd, and of course homework and projects. Not to mention my volunteering at each school. I, however, would not have it any other way. I like to be busy. I just wish I could slow things down a bit. It is easy to get caught up and not fully enjoy all of these moments. I know I will never have these days back so I am trying to live them fully! I am grateful to have a place I can document all of these moments and at least can remember them through pictures and words.

Fall is most definitely one of my favorite times of the year. The crisp air, fall leaves, beautiful colors, apple picking, football games and pumpkin patches. Speaking of pumpkins, I might be slightly obsessed with anything pumpkin and this time of the year there is no shortage. From pumpkin coffee, bagels, munchkins, soup, almonds, bread, I have had them all. If its pumpkin flavored I have to have it!