
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Dancing With the Stars
I am so excited for the season premiere of Dancing with the Stars tonight. I don't follow that many shows, but I just love dancing. I have watched every season so far. I was also a follower of Lost and now that it has ended I find myself lost as to what new shows are any good. I know I can count on Dancing with the Sars to keep me entertained. I just love seeing the dancers and their costumes.
My family knows what a fan I am and everyone knows on Monday and Tuesday where I need to be and that the house should be picked up and jammies on and in bed so I can relax and watch my show.
Just for laughs here is a picture of my sister and Tom Bergeron over the summer. She saw him in a restaurant in Portsmouth. She is a fan as well and was determined to get a picture with him. She said he could not have been nicer. He told her Portsmouth is one of his favorite places to visit seeing that he is from the New England area originally.
My family knows what a fan I am and everyone knows on Monday and Tuesday where I need to be and that the house should be picked up and jammies on and in bed so I can relax and watch my show.
Just for laughs here is a picture of my sister and Tom Bergeron over the summer. She saw him in a restaurant in Portsmouth. She is a fan as well and was determined to get a picture with him. She said he could not have been nicer. He told her Portsmouth is one of his favorite places to visit seeing that he is from the New England area originally.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Whirlwind of a Weekend
We had a great weekend here at the Raudelunas household. Saturday started with Finley's football practice and Hannah's dance class. She is doing jazz for the first time this year and she really loves it.
Then we all got ready to go to the annual fall festival at my Mom and Dad's church. The Immaculate Church is where Chris and I got married so its always fun to go back and visit.
These are some pictures I took before we left.
At the fair they had pony rides, jumpy houses, golf, baseball, spin art, face painting, ballon making you name it. And of course yummy food. The kids had a blast. Having my Mom and Dad there really helped when they wanted to go in four different directions.
Ryland and Papa Fred
Hunter and Hannah tried the rock climbing wall. Hunter rang the bell at the top two times! I was so proud of Hannah for giving it a try. She is normally nervous when it comes to these things but she did it like a champ!
Later that night Mom and Dad had some alone time when Nana Rose came to watch the kiddos. We went to Amigos and had some delicious Mexican Food!
Sunday started with Finley's football game. I just love his coaches and team. They are so encouraging of all the players and get them all fired up. His team got their third win of the season. Finley was so proud he ran the ball "five yards!"

I am so ready for bed and looking forward to another busy week. We have open houses at school, football, more dance class and CCD starts. Better get some rest!
Then we all got ready to go to the annual fall festival at my Mom and Dad's church. The Immaculate Church is where Chris and I got married so its always fun to go back and visit.
These are some pictures I took before we left.
At the fair they had pony rides, jumpy houses, golf, baseball, spin art, face painting, ballon making you name it. And of course yummy food. The kids had a blast. Having my Mom and Dad there really helped when they wanted to go in four different directions.
Ryland and Papa Fred
Hunter and Hannah tried the rock climbing wall. Hunter rang the bell at the top two times! I was so proud of Hannah for giving it a try. She is normally nervous when it comes to these things but she did it like a champ!
Later that night Mom and Dad had some alone time when Nana Rose came to watch the kiddos. We went to Amigos and had some delicious Mexican Food!
Sunday started with Finley's football game. I just love his coaches and team. They are so encouraging of all the players and get them all fired up. His team got their third win of the season. Finley was so proud he ran the ball "five yards!"
Ryland kicking back watching the game!
Later we did some yard work before the Patriots game came on. Sadly we lost. I hate seeing my Tom Brady loose. We then decided to have a little bonfire to lift our spirits as well as burn all the yard debri.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
A Day With the Dolls
Over the summer Hannah and I decided to take a break from the boys and do some "girly" things. Being the only sister to three brothers is fun and certainly active; however, it does not lend well to my very girly girl who loves to play dolls and barbies. No matter how enticing she makes it seem, the boys just are not into dolls.
Thus, we decided to have a day at the American Girl Store in Mass. This place is a girls dream come true. They even have a hair salon where you can get your dolls hair styled (with a three hour wait no doubt).
Thus, we decided to have a day at the American Girl Store in Mass. This place is a girls dream come true. They even have a hair salon where you can get your dolls hair styled (with a three hour wait no doubt).
This was before we left the house. We had to dress and style Lanie and Lilly's hair.
We meet up with my cousin Erin and the two girls she nannies for Emma and Tess. We had such a great time.
The Lunch was just the cutest. They have seats for the doll and little snacks for them to eat. The food is actually delicious. Hannah just loved it and asked to go back for her birthday in November!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Runaway Ryland
Today was my baby's first day of preschool. I can't believe my little guy is ready for preschool. Being the fourth I thought for sure he would have no problem separating. My three other children practically jumped out of the car. Not this little guy. He kept biting his nails and asking if I could stay with him. He got out of the car no problem but as I was heading around the corner I saw him running for the door. He wasn't crying or yelling, just looking for me. I felt so bad, but then snapped out of it knowing I would have two afternoons to myself after nine years!!!! Plus I just love and adore his teachers Miss Ellen and Miss Kim. I know he is in good hands and will have lots of fun. I celebrated by going to Starbucks alone. Oh the joys!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Back To School Blues
Last Wednesday was the kids first day back to school. Hunter entered fourth grade, Hannah second and Finley afternoon kindergarden. Although Hunter and Hannah were feeling a little blue that the summer was ending, Finley could not have been more excited. I don't think anyone was more excited then me! It was a great summer but I love the fall and getting back to a routine and having my house clean for at least part of the day!
The morning went fairly smooth complete with a little drama from Hannah. I need to seriously get that girl into acting. She is quit dramatic. She did not want to take the bus. She was going to miss me etc. However, we made it out the door in record time.
I love the next picture of Ryland. He was still in his jammies at the bus stop. Hoping somehow he could get on the bus with his new back pack. He starts school in a few days but was determined to start today!
The morning went fairly smooth complete with a little drama from Hannah. I need to seriously get that girl into acting. She is quit dramatic. She did not want to take the bus. She was going to miss me etc. However, we made it out the door in record time.
I love the next picture of Ryland. He was still in his jammies at the bus stop. Hoping somehow he could get on the bus with his new back pack. He starts school in a few days but was determined to start today!
Later in the day Finley was excited to start Kindergarden with Mrs. Alexakos. We just love her. Hannah had her as well. He was super excited but said he would miss me a little. So cute!

The day just flew by. The kids made it home with smiles. Hunter said his new teacher, Mrs. Zall was great. Hannah is looping so she has the same teacher and friends as last year. Mrs. McHugh is wonderful and for Hannah it's a great comfort to loop. Finally it was Finn's first time taking the bus. He will take it home each day and he loved!

Friday, September 3, 2010
Last Sunday was Finley's first football game. Their team is the Amherst Patriots which is really neat because our pro team is the New England Patriots. By the way, I might just have a thing for Tom Brady who plays for the Patriots. Anyhow, it was a beautiful morning for the game. Finley was very nervous as he really did not know what to expect. I sort of thought maybe he would not want to go on the field at all. This boy just blew my away. He got right out there. He was having fun and even got a chance to run with the ball. He was so proud of himself. They don't really focus on the score, but his team did get five touchdowns and they won the game! It is so cute to watch the little ones because they really don't know what they are doing. The coaches have to stay on the field and line the kids up after each play. His coaches are great too. Always making a big deal when the kids make a great play!
Finley actually came off the field and told Chris and me it was "Awesome." He even thought he got a touchdown when he ran with the ball. Bless his heart I just played along. I was so proud of my little guy!

Finley actually came off the field and told Chris and me it was "Awesome." He even thought he got a touchdown when he ran with the ball. Bless his heart I just played along. I was so proud of my little guy!

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