Last Sunday was Finley's first football game. Their team is the Amherst Patriots which is really neat because our pro team is the New England Patriots. By the way, I might just have a thing for Tom Brady who plays for the Patriots. Anyhow, it was a beautiful morning for the game. Finley was very nervous as he really did not know what to expect. I sort of thought maybe he would not want to go on the field at all. This boy just blew my away. He got right out there. He was having fun and even got a chance to run with the ball. He was so proud of himself. They don't really focus on the score, but his team did get five touchdowns and they won the game! It is so cute to watch the little ones because they really don't know what they are doing. The coaches have to stay on the field and line the kids up after each play. His coaches are great too. Always making a big deal when the kids make a great play!
Finley actually came off the field and told Chris and me it was "Awesome." He even thought he got a touchdown when he ran with the ball. Bless his heart I just played along. I was so proud of my little guy!

Finley actually came off the field and told Chris and me it was "Awesome." He even thought he got a touchdown when he ran with the ball. Bless his heart I just played along. I was so proud of my little guy!

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