And our house as well. It has been a lot of fun decorating the house, putting up the lights and trimming the tree, but lets face it it's a lot of work. I always love when it is finished and I can sit back and enjoy.
The kids really had fun decorating the tree. A little funny story about this years tree. I'm sure my kids will enjoy this story when they are older.
We usually go to Home Depot to pick out our tree. I know we live in an area known for trucking through the woods and cutting down a tree, but we have had such good luck with Home Depot and its a lot easier with the four kids. We all planned to go, but Ryland was a little under the weather so I stayed home and Chris took Finley and Hunter. Hannah decided she would stay home as well. Now I know Chris knows what I like so I had no worries. A nice full tree without lots of needles falling. We have been getting a real tree for the past 14 years so I was confident they would find a great tree. Ha! Was I surprised when they came home. I wish I had taken a picture, but at the time Chris did not think it was too funny. The tree was so skinny with lots of dry spots. I thought it was a joke. Not wanting to hurt anyones feelings I tried to be positive and make it work. We put it in the stand to take a look. We looked and looked and I just could not keep that poor tree. I don't even think all my ornaments could fit on it. Somehow Chris though it looked better in the lot, but after seeing it in the house he realized it was not quit right.
Long story short, Chris and Hunter brought the tree back and I told Hunter to pick the next one. Apparently the man at the store said he had never had anyone return a tree. This was a first for him! Chris explained it did not work for our room. He asked what do you mean. Chris proceeded to say you don't understand because you are not married. Funny!
All turned out well and we now have a beautiful tree. Thanks Honey for taking it back and being oh so patient! Love you!
The kids love to find ornaments with their names. |
I have a lot of sentimental ornaments, but this is definitely one of my favorites. The kids got if for me last year and I love it! |
The Stockings are Hung! |
Hannah's Tree! |
The Boys Tree! |
This past weekend I had wonderful time with my sister, mom and aunt. We went on our annual trip to New York City for a day of shopping. This year the weather was great. Not too cold. As a result it was packed. Their were lines to get into stores and then lines to get on the escalators. Crazy! We had a blast though and I love seeing the big tree in new york center. Chris if you reading this honey That's a Tree!!
We always eat at Carmines when we go to New York. They have the best Italian food! |
Amy Enjoying our yummy dessert! |
Beautiful decorations! Love the starbucks ornament :) Christmas in NY is the best, looks like lots of fun!