Here she was all packed up and so excited to go. I was so proud of her for going and breaking out of her comfort zone.
Chris and I waited all night for the phone to ring saying it was Hannah wanting to come home! Every time the phone rang I just knew it would be her, but it was not. My girl made it all night and had such a fun time. She talked on and on about all the fun things they did. Way to rock it honey!
Later that day we went out with Nana Sharon to get Hannah's veil for first communion. We now have a dress and veil and it only took about twenty different stores and trying on about fifteen dresses. Now we just need the perfect shoes.
Sunday Hunter went to see The Harlem Globe Trotters with Papa Fred in Boston. I promised the other kids I would take them to the movies to see Diary of A Wimpy Kid. We were just about ready to head out when I hear Hannah cry out. I was upstairs getting ready and Ryland came running up to tell me Hannah was hurt. She can sometimes be a bit dramatic so I called down calm and slowly asked what had happened. Well, I heard her really crying so I ran down and saw her grabbing her hand. She said she was climbing up on the counter to get a cup and placed her hand on the stove. A few minutes earlier I had made a cup of tea. At this point she was screaming and I was afraid to look. I immediately ran her hand under cold water and it blistered right away. Now I am staring to PANIC it looks pretty bad. I called my neighbor who is a doctor, he is not home. PANIC. My husband is at work. PANIC. Although I did not want Hannah to think I was panicking, I sure was inside. My adrenaline just kicked in and somehow I remained calm and focused.
Being that it was Sunday, my doctors office was closed. I talked to a nurse on call who said to bring her to the emergency room right away. I packed up the little boys and Hannah who was just screaming and screaming it hurt. I know she is in terrible pain, but I am trying to keep it together. Two of my go to neighbors are not home and I had to leave right away, no time for my mom to come over. Luckily, Finn and Rye are so laid back and just go with the flow. My only saving grace was that Hunter was not here because it would have freaked him out. He gets so nervous and worried I would have had to calm him down along with Hannah.
We finally made it to the hospital and Chris was able to meet me there and take the boys. Turns out she has second degree burns. She was given morphine for the pain and they actually cut some of the blisters.
She screamed the whole time and I just felt helpless. I know how bad just a little burn feels I just can't imagine the pain she felt. The whole palm of her hand was burned.
Today we had to go into Boston to the Children's burn clinic, Shriners. They changed her bandages and just evaluated her condition. They said it looked like good skin underneath, it just looks so bad to me. We will have to go back on Friday to make sure it is healing properly and her fingers can move right.
. . . Just as a side note, as a mom to four kids, and three boys no less one would expect various trips to the emergency room. This, however was my first time ever with any of my kids. I never thought it would be with Hannah. I hope I won't be back for some time!
Oh bless you! I would have panicked too! Thank goodness she is on the mend.